Thursday, August 2, 2012

Itsy Bitsy Spider- Not!

Spiders in the garden are a good thing.  They don't eat your plants but they do eat bugs (some of which eat your plants).  Every year I have some spiders in the garden.   This year is no exception.  The only problem is that I have 2 of these smack dab in the middle of the vegetable garden!

argiope aurantia, black and yellow spider, garden spider, writing spider
One of my 2 garden spiders with two meals in her web.
This is argiope aurantia.  You may know her as a garden spider, a writing spider, or a corn spider.  You have probably seen these since they are found throughout the continental U.S. and one of their preferred habitats is the garden!  Females (which are the big ones) get as large as 28 mm (that doesn't include the legs).  Males are teensy weeny and you probably don't notice them.

Turns out she is harmless to humans.  When threatened she is much more likely to duck and run than sink her fangs into us.  In fact, you really have to be messing with her to get bitten.  If she does bite, she ranks up there with a bee sting (or at least that is what the literature says, no way I am going to test that out).

Somehow, this knowledge doesn't bring me comfort when I have to go near her web.  I hate big spiders.  They totally creep me out.  It is a small comfort that it does not have fur.  I don't mind snakes, roaches, bats, etc. (which is not to say I like them).  When I have to pick something near one of these the hair on my neck and arms stands up and my stomach starts churning.

We have, however, worked out a compromise.  As long as they do not touch me, I will not touch them (with a big, long stick).  Hopefully, we can all get along!


  1. They are scary looking aren't they? Guess you just have to keep reminding yourself that they go after the bad guys after all. And avoid being bitten.

    1. Funny thing is, I know she won't bite me. I have a fear that she will crawl on me.

  2. Lol, I hate spiders too. But I know they have their place, eating the bugs in the garden. I go out every morning and swing a broom in front of me to sweep away the webs across the yard... My neighbors must think I'm nuts.

  3. They call those banana spiders around here. I hate them for so many reasons, not the least of which is their webs. The webs are so thick that when I have stepped into one, it felt like I couldn't get it off all day. Yuck.

    (I know they are good for the environment and the garden, yadda, yadda, but it better not come in my garden, or I will kill it.) The rest of the spiders can stay. I don't mess with them, but the banana spiders ... no way.

    1. Since this one is chowing down on stink and squash bugs I will let her stay for a while.

  4. Oh I have these too. I actually kind of like them since I know they are good for the garden. I've had to get over my spider-fear though. :)


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